Start learning the powerful discipline of Pilates and prepare to teach the Matwork repertoire with this detailed course of beginner and intermediate Matwork.

Diana Spiess, Lead Instructor Trainer and Founder of the 'essence of Pilates' Teacher Training School takes you through the entire beginner and intermediate repertoire in this course. The first module begins with the history of Pilates and continues into the foundational principles before heading into all of the exercises.

To see all of Diana's background,

visit her personal website.

The Course is for All Levels of Instructors and Practitioners

This course is a great place to begin your study of Pilates. Diana's background spanning over 30 years of teaching fitness and wellness along with mentoring many instructors and trainers puts beginning instructors at ease and allows them to start with their journey to teaching with confidence.

For those that have been teaching in the fitness industry for some time, this course is a great introduction to the detailed teaching of Pilates. Teaching this discipline requires a solid understanding of anatomy and the mechanics of the body. Diana brings it all together in a way that helps fitness instructors not only teach Pilates well, she also helps in taking the principles of the discipline into other areas of fitness.

This course is closed for enrollment.

Begin Your Journey in the Pilates Method of Wellness

Diana encourages all to enter this course with an openness to experience wellness beyond expectations. Pilates is a full-being wellness method and for many of her students and clients, they find ways of being in their body and mind that they never dreamed of. Come with an open mind, a willing body, and a sense of adventure!